A Case of Hepatitis-B Positive Patient
(Author : Dr. Sachin Sarpotdar)

A  25 years old male patient with Hepatitis B positive report appeared in the OPD for the Ayurvedic treatment. 


The  Hepatitis B surface antigen i.e HBs, Hepatitis B envelop antigen i.e  HBe were positive along with raised level of DNA polymerase and SGPT and SGOT.


The patient was showing the infective status. As the HBe antigen is the marker of active viral replication and elevated level of DNA polymerase shows the yahigh activity of the virus. The raised level of SGPT and SGOT were suggesting the live cell injury.


Treatment Given-


1) Arogyavardhini Tablets 2-2-2

2) Phala Trikadi Kashay twice daily 

3) Maha Tiktak Ghrut 2 tsf  twice daily before meals.



The patient was concerned about his marriage and necessary precautionary measures to be adopted. He was explained the natural disease course. The HB Vaccine was recommended for his partner as per the schedule period of 1 and 6 months after the initial dose. Monitoring the antibodies status after the vaccination was recommended.