Renal calculi - an Ayurvedic perspective
(Author : Dr. Sachin Sarpotdar & Dr Swapnil Rane)

Kidney stone is usually termed as renal calculi or nephrolith or urolithiosis in medical terminology. Renal stones vary in sizes, as any stone less than the size of 3-4mm can be easily excreted by our body through urine while larger size stones can create painful symptoms. Although not all stones are obstructive in nature, but some do create an extremely painful situation. If the stone is at a non- obstructive site in the kidney then it may not cause any symptom unless it grows to a significant size; this is where the individual remains symptomless until the stone gets to a considerable size.

If renal stone are recurrent in nature or in other words, if your body has a tendency to form kidney stone repeatedly it is a must to know the causes –

Causes of renal calculi –

  • Low water intake
  • Suppression of natural urge of urination
  • Excessive intake of alkaline food or increased intake of minerals
  • Obesity
  • Physical exertion leading to excess loss of water creating water deficit for urinary excretion of toxins
  • Excess consumption of Alcohol
  • Long term intake of calcium and other supplements
  • High levels of uric acid in body
  • High intake of proteins without appropriate exercise routine

Any factor leading to reduction of water content in the body are also responsible for dysuria (burning in urination). This leads to accumulation of toxins, minerals and salts in the form of stones in the kidney.

Signs and symptoms of Renal Calculi:

  • Lower or middle back pain
  • Intermittent pain radiating from lower back to inner side of thigh
  • Obstructed or dripping of urination
  • Pain in urination
  • Burning sensation in urinating
  • Haematuria (blood in urine)
  • Foul smelling of urine

Ayurveda herbs:

According to Ayurveda some herbs are helpful in increasing the urine output helping to flush the accumulated toxins out of the urinary system through urine. Few such herbs are Pashanbhed (Cyclea peltata), Ushir( Vetiveria zizanioides ), Gokshur (Tribulus terrestris ), Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa), Varun (Crataeva nurvala).

Classical formulations like Varunadi kasay, Veertaradi kasay, Purnanavadi guggul, Gokshuradi guggul, Kurdalu vati, etc have good action against renal calculi.

Lifestyle modulations:

 Healthy lifestyle modulations are suggested, few amongst them are mentioned as below:

  • Stay hydrated by drinking appropriate (2-3 litres) of liquids daily; but it should be properly divided in small amounts rather than consuming at once.
  • Tender coconut water can help as it is enriched with electrolytes.
  • Add usher (Vetiveria zizaniodes) to drinking water as it is soothing and is also helpful to reduce burning in urination.
  • Exercising regularly helps in toxin excretion.
  • Do not stop or hold the natural urge of urination.
  • Avoid alcohol and smoking.

Yoga postures or Asana if included in exercise routine it helps to strengthen then excretory system of our body. It is advisable that regular practise of yoga must be done, few of such Asana to help in renal stone are listed here viz. Dhanurasana (Bow pose), Pawanamuktasana (Wind relieving pose), Uttana padasana (Raised leg pose), Matsyasana (Fish pose), Vajrasana (thunderbolt).